Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Torres Del Paine

   My main new years resolution was to stop worrying so I can focus my energy on living my life to the fullest. Chile, so far, seemed to be a series of misfortunate events and really put my patience and new years goals to the test. My hostel was overbooked, the ATMs had no money, buses were full for a week to get to my next stop and most of all the towers of Torres Del Paine were not to be seen. I handled the circumstances with laughs and kept reminding myself that everything will work out. Instead of worrying I calculated the worse case scenario, excepted it and then felt blessed when the outcome was better than that.

   Many of us set ourselves up for disappointment by having expectations for matters outside of our control. This happens when things don't work out as we planned and I'm trying to eliminate it from my life, however at times it can be a bit tricky. Torres Del Paine is a perfect example of just that. My sole purpose of coming to Puerto Natales in Chile was to go to the national park and witness for myself the glorious sight of the torres towers. The day started off grim at 6:30 am with rain and dark clouds. I kept positive and my fellow hikers nicknamed me the cheerleader. The hike was 9 km each direction and was almost never flat or easy. The rain quickly turned into snow with the increased elevation and the visibility was nothing to get excited about. When we reached the 8th km and were only 30 minutes from the lagoon, where the Torres towers stand, we found out the rest of the trail was closed. Determined to follow through we climbed over the barring and continued onwards. A few minutes later we were stopped by the park rangers that informed us that the closure was due to weather and for our own safety. Disappointment flooded in and it took me the entire 8km down to snap out of. I started concentrating on appreciating what I experienced like the many waterfalls I passed, the beautiful valleys with amazing fauna and the fresh snow on my nose. As soon as my mood changed my luck did too. In the parking lot I met a russian couple with a car. They invited me to drive around the lakes with them to check out the rest of the park. I happily jumped in and we spent the remainder of the evening snapping photos of all the beautiful scenery. Good things happen when you have the right attitude because you attract into your life what you give out.

   Two days later I decided to give the park another go. This time I excepted the worse case scenario which is I will leave without seeing the Torres. I got to the park and the clouds were thick and dark over the peaks. I opted out for a different hike that is shorter so I can at least be entertained by different scenery. This time I was on my own and loving it. The sun was shinning on my side of the park and the guanacos kept me company. There were many herds of them and I witnessed their life cycles from babies nursing, then learning to walk, to getting chased by boys, getting caught by the males for some action, and the inevitable end that comes to us all at our own time. Again I realized that life is beautiful but short. You need to enjoy what you are given instead of concentrating on the things you don't have. I never did see the peaks of the Torres but that just means that I might have to come back. Maybe I'll even do the W trek or the O next time. I choose to view my set backs as opportunities, to live without worry and to eliminate my expectations for all things I can't control. I hope you find the inspiration to do the same.

5-8 JAN 14

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